Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (2024)


Rotation Guide for Summoner

This page is dedicated to providing an in-depth analysis of the Summonerrotation.


Rotation Overview

The overall rotation structure involves a static loop, consisting of acombination of several short "phases." Each distinctphase will follow in successive order, as such:

  1. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (1) Summon Bahamut phase
  2. Primals Phase #1
  3. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (2) Summon Phoenix phase
  4. Primals Phase #2

Along with a simplified rotation loop, Summoner's GCD choices are entirely binary, inthat you have a designed GCD for "single-target" and "multi-target" output per eachphase of your rotation.


Opening Sequence

The opening sequence for Summoner is designed to maximize damagegains in the opening raid buff window while setting the stage for yourfuture rotation alignment.

Opening sequences are adaptable in that the alignment of oGCDs can bealtered to rotation-specific or buff-specific purposes. We can first take alook at what oGCDs are expected to be used, as well as what adaptations canbe made with regards to timing:

Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (3) Energy Drain will generally be weaved early in the openingsequence. Without specific timeline planning, prioritizingSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (4) Energy Drain early reduces the risk of losing an additional usage in regardsto boss kill times or phase transitions.

Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (5) Searing Light should be used following the first Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (6) Searing Light, as itmaintains a 30-second duration and will cover every other job's burst window easily.

Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (7) Grade 8 Tincture of Intelligence is aligned strictly to maximizepersonal damage gains. This means you will typically be using your potionfollowing your 2nd Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (8) Astral Impulse.

Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (9) Fester is a core oGCD ability, available through Aetherflow Gaugefrom previously using Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (10) Energy Drain. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (11) Fester shouldbe aligned for all available damage buffs.

Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (12) Deathflare and Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (13) Enkindle Bahamut should also beprioritized for raid buff alignment.

Once your Demi-Bahamut duration has finished, the initial opener sequence is finishedand you will move on to the Primals Phase section of the opener.


General-Purpose Opener: First GCD Bahamut - Titan First

The opener presented below is a general-purpose opener that can be safelyused for all endgame content.

Bahamut Phase

  1. Precast Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (14) Ruin III
  2. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (15) Summon Bahamut
  3. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (16) Astral ImpulseSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (17) Searing Light
  4. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (18) Astral ImpulseSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (19) Grade 8 Tincture of Intelligence
  5. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (20) Astral ImpulseSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (21) Energy Drain
  6. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (22) Astral ImpulseSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (23) Enkindle Bahamut +Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (24) Fester
  7. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (25) Astral ImpulseSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (26) Deathflare +Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (27) Fester
  8. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (28) Astral Impulse

Primals Phase

  1. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (29) Summon Titan II
  2. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (30) Topaz RiteSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (31) Mountain Buster
  3. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (32) Topaz RiteSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (33) Mountain Buster
  4. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (34) Topaz RiteSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (35) Mountain Buster
  5. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (36) Topaz RiteSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (37) Mountain Buster
  6. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (38) Summon Garuda IISummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (39) Swiftcast
  7. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (40) Emerald Rite
  8. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (41) Ruin IV
  9. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (42) Slipstream
  10. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (43) Emerald Rite
  11. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (44) Emerald Rite
  12. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (45) Emerald Rite

The opener presented below is an optimized opener to take advantage ofparty compositions that contain several 15-second raid buffs. The early Garudatiming is made to allow for a swiftcasted Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (46) Slipstream to snapshotthe end of the buff window.

Bahamut Phase

  1. Precast Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (47) Ruin III
  2. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (48) Summon Bahamut
  3. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (49) Astral ImpulseSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (50) Searing Light
  4. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (51) Astral ImpulseSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (52) Grade 8 Tincture of Intelligence
  5. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (53) Astral ImpulseSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (54) Energy Drain
  6. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (55) Astral ImpulseSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (56) Enkindle Bahamut +Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (57) Fester
  7. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (58) Astral ImpulseSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (59) Deathflare +Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (60) Fester
  8. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (61) Astral Impulse

Primals Phase

  1. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (62) Summon Garuda IISummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (63) Swiftcast
  2. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (64) Slipstream
  3. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (65) Emerald Rite
  4. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (66) Emerald Rite
  5. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (67) Emerald Rite
  6. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (68) Emerald Rite
  7. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (69) Summon Titan II
  8. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (70) Topaz RiteSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (71) Mountain Buster
  9. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (72) Topaz RiteSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (73) Mountain Buster
  10. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (74) Topaz RiteSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (75) Mountain Buster
  11. Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (76) Topaz RiteSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (77) Mountain Buster

Once the initial primal phase duration ends, the opening sequence willbe completed, and you will move on to continue your general rotation cycle.


Rotation Cycle


Bahamut Phase

Including the opening sequence labeled above, Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (78) Summon Bahamutwill always be the first phase you execute of the overall rotation. Uponactivating Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (79) Summon Bahamut, you will be provided with the followingeffects:

  • Demi-Bahamut spawns for 15 seconds
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (80) Ruin III changes to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (81) Astral Impulse
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (82) Tri-disaster changes to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (83) Astral Flare
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (84) Astral Flow changes to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (85) Deathflare
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (86) Enkindle Bahamut becomes available
  • Grants Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum

During the duration of your Bahamut phase, you will utilize the unique actionsprovided to you, with Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (87) Astral Impulse used for single-target damage,while Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (88) Astral Flare will be used for multi-target scenarios. You willalso receive Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (89) Deathflare and Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (90) Enkindle Bahamut asadditional oGCDs that should be weaved during each Bahamut duration.

While Demi-Bahamut is out, he will periodicallycast his auto-attack Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (91) Wyrmwave. Due to the Summoner rework changes inEndwalker, this interaction is now completely automatic once you initiate any attack(any GCD or oGCD) on your target.

You should be aiming to cast a total of SIX Astral GCDs during each Bahamut duration.While seven GCDs is theoretically possible, this requires a GCD of at least 2.13 seconds(or faster) to do.

You should prioritize using Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (92) Summon Bahamut whenever the cooldownbecomes available to you, and try to avoid drifting this cooldown at all costs.Activating Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (93) Summon Bahamut will also provide you with elemental arcanum,allowing you to summon powerful primal pets after the Bahamut duration has finished.


Primal Phase

After each demi-primal has finished, you will have elemental arcanum availablecorresponding to each primal pet at your disposal:

  • Ruby Arcanum → Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (94) Summon Ifrit II
  • Topaz Arcanum → Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (95) Summon Titan II
  • Emerald Arcanum → Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (96) Summon Garuda II

When each primal pet is summoned, the primal will cast its signature ultimateability, while then providing you with elemental attunement stacks to be used tocast primal-specific abilities. Along with this, each primal also provides a uniquebuff, transforming your Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (97) Astral Flow into another unique abilityas well.

During each primal summon, your priority is to utilize all of their abilities as muchas possible. This means you should try to consume ALL of your elemental attunement stacks,as well as each primal-specific buff that provides an additional specific action. The onlyexception to this priority is if your Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (98) Summon Bahamut orSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (99) Summon Phoenix are coming off cooldown before you can utilize all of yourprimal abilities, and in this scenario, you should skip the remainder of your primal(s).

Outside of the opening sequence, the use of your primals is liberal, meaning youmay use your primals in ANY order. This means there is no static order that you shouldalways follow, and in many cases, should choose based on comfort around fight-specifictimings such as boss mechanics for uptime purposes.

Primals also have the freedom of being used before consuming the previous set of attunementstacks. This means you also have the option of "shortening" a primal phase if needed. Thisis generally only done in very specific cases, such as attempting to resolve another primalultimate before a designated kill time.


Summon Ifrit

When Ifrit-Egi is summoned, the following effects will occur:

  • Ifrit-Egi will cast Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (100) Inferno
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (101) Gemshine will change to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (102) Ruby Rite
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (103) Precious Brilliance will change to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (104) Ruby Catastrophe
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (105) Astral Flow will change to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (106) Crimson CycloneSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (107) Crimson Strike

Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (108) Ruby Rite and Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (109) Ruby Catastrophe follow the binary "single-target"and "multi-target" design model and consume your Fire attunement stacks. These GCDs have long cast timesof 2.8 seconds at base spell speed value.

Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (110) Crimson Cyclone and Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (111) Crimson Strike act as a 1-2 melee combo,and upon use, consumes the Ifrit's Favor buff.

As Ifrit's GCDs requires you to either be in melee range, or resolve prolonged cast times, thisprimal phase will be your most vulnerable to disruption due to movement or boss mechanics that maymake GCD uptime difficult. You should generally prioritize using Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (112) Summon Ifrit IIwhenever you know you will have a chunk of time to resolve all of these abilities safely.


Summon Titan

When Titan-Egi is summoned, the following effects will occur:

  • Titan-Egi will cast Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (113) Earthen Fury
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (114) Gemshine will change to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (115) Topaz Rite
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (116) Precious Brilliance will change to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (117) Topaz Catastrophe
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (118) Astral Flow will change to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (119) Mountain Buster
  • Provides you with 4x Earth Attunement stacks

Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (120) Topaz Rite and Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (121) Topaz Catastrophe follow the binary "single-target"and "multi-target" design model and consume your Earth attunement stacks. These GCDs are instant-cast.

Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (122) Mountain Buster is an oGCD proc that is made available upon each consumedEarth attunement stack from the Titan's Favor buff. This means you will receive a proc each time youcast Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (123) Topaz Rite or Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (124) Topaz Catastrophe, and you should weave eachproc whenever you gain one.

With Topaz GCDs being instant-cast, this primal phase should be quite simple to execute, as youwill have full freedom to cast and move whenever needed. Titan is also the strongest primal phasein terms of overall potency, meaning it will generally be prioritized around raid buff windowswhenever possible.


Summon Garuda

When Garuda-Egi is summoned, the following effects will occur:

  • Garuda-Egi will cast Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (125) Aerial Blast
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (126) Gemshine will change to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (127) Emerald Rite
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (128) Precious Brilliance will change to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (129) Emerald Catastrophe
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (130) Astral Flow will change to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (131) Slipstream
  • Provides you with 4x Wind Attunement stacks

Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (132) Emerald Rite and Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (133) Emerald Catastrophe follow the binary "single-target"and "multi-target" design model and consume your Wind attunement stacks. These GCDs are instant-castand have shortened recast times of 1.5 seconds.

Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (134) Slipstream is a unique GCD that is made available from the Garuda's Favor buff.Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (135) Slipstream has a prolonged cast time of 3 seconds, with a 3.5 secondrecast time.

With Emerald GCDs being instant-cast, this primal phase should generally be simple to execute.However, Slipstream will enforce a similar vulnerability to Ifrit, as the prolonged cast time willrequire you to find a suitable time to cast for 3 seconds. These GCDs may be cast in any order.


Summon Phoenix Phase

After the duration of Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (136) Summon Bahamut finishes, yourSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (137) Dreadwyrm Trance button will change to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (138) Firebird Trance.When Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (139) Firebird Trance is activated, you will be provided with thefollowing effects:

  • Demi-Phoenix spawns for 15 seconds
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (140) Ruin III changes to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (141) Fountain of Fire
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (142) Tri-disaster changes to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (143) Brand of Purgatory
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (144) Astral Flow changes to Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (145) Rekindle
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (146) Enkindle Phoenix becomes available
  • Grants Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum

During the duration of your Phoenix phase, you will utilize the unique actionsprovided to you, with Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (147) Fountain of Fire used for single-target damage,while Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (148) Brand of Purgatory will be used for multi-target scenarios. You willalso receive Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (149) Enkindle Phoenix as an additional oGCD that should be weavedduring each Phoenix duration.

Demi-Phoenix also provides an interesting uniqueability with Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (150) Rekindle. Rekindle is an oGCD that originates fromSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (151) Astral Flow, applying a buff status to a targeted player. This buff statuswill later apply a healing-over-time effect onto the player for a considerable amount of healing.This oGCD should be used as much as possible, as it provides a free heal worth up to 1200 healingpotency.

While Demi-Phoenix is out, she will periodicallycast her auto-attack Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (152) Scarlet Flame. Due to the Summoner rework changes in Endwalker,this interaction is now completely automatic once you initiate any attack (any GCD or oGCD) onyour target.

You should be aiming to cast a total of SIX Fountain or Brand GCDs during each Phoenix duration.While seven GCDs is theoretically possible, this requires a GCD of at least 2.13 seconds(or faster) to do.

You should prioritize using Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (153) Summon Phoenix whenever the cooldownbecomes available to you and try to avoid drifting this cooldown at all costs.Activating Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (154) Summon Phoenix will also provide you with elemental arcanum,allowing you to summon powerful primal pets after the Phoenix duration has finished.


Ruin III and Ruin IV

The use of Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (155) Ruin III should be minimized as much as possible, down toa minimum of one cast per rotation cycle. This is possible as the durations of your demi-primalsand primal summons will make up nearly all of your total rotation loop, leaving you with onlytwo GCDs to utilize your Ruin GCDs if executed perfectly.

Each Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (156) Ruin IV proc should be used before entering your next demi-primal phase.

The timing of when you use your Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (157) Ruin III and Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (158) Ruin IV casts isnot specific, as you can technically use these abilities during your primal summons. This means youmay utilize Ruins to act as a buffer during your primals (for example, casting Ruin IV during Ifritif you need an instant-cast GCD to move but cannot be in melee range to use your Crimson combo),or you can just wait until all of your primals are finished.

Depending on the amount of spell speed you may be playing with, you may encounter situationswhere you will need an additional Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (159) Ruin III to weave Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (160) Searing Lightbefore your next Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (161) Summon Bahamut window.


Multi-Target Rotation

In multi-target scenarios, Summoner provides a high amount of cleave damage throughouteach individual rotation phase. When fighting three or more enemies, your GCD and oGCD prioritieswill change as such:


General Actions

Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (162) Tri-disaster should be used in place of Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (163) Ruin III.

Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (164) Painflare should be used in place of Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (165) Fester tospend your Aetherflow gauge.


Bahamut Phase

  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (166) Astral Flare should be used in place of Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (167) Astral Impulse
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (168) Enkindle Bahamut and Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (169) Deathflare should bealigned to maximize cleave damage output


Phoenix Phase

  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (170) Brand of Purgatory should be used in place ofSummoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (171) Fountain of Fire
  • Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (172) Enkindle Phoenix should be aligned to maximize cleave damage output


Primal Phases

Your Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (173) Precious Brilliance GCDs (Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (174) Ruby Catastrophe,Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (175) Topaz Catastrophe, and Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (176) Emerald Catastrophe) should beused in place of their Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (177) Gemshine actions to spend your elemental attunementsstacks.



  • 23 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 6.55
  • 15 Oct. 2023: Updated for Patch 6.5
  • 27 May 2023: Updated for Patch 6.4
  • 13 Jan. 2023: Updated for Patch 6.3
  • 23 Aug. 2022: Updated for Patch 6.2
  • 20 Apr. 2022: Updated for Patch 6.1
  • 26 Feb. 2022: Updated for Endwalker.
  • 14 Nov. 2021: Added short rotation videos.
  • 13 Nov. 2021: Guide added.

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Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55 (2024)


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