Wished Away Series - Chapter 186 - CSmalley (2024)

Chapter Text

InuYasha's Thoughts:

He tried not to hover; plenty of women went about their daily lives while expecting.

It was hard though; they both knew that it could go bad fast. Youkai and hanyou pregnancies were apparently generally healthy and hardy but nobody had ever heard of a hanyou either siring or carrying children. And somehow, even with her virginity taken, she still had her miko’s powers.

He hadn’t even been sure he could father pups; hybrids were often sterile after all. He had warned her before he had proposed, in case she had wanted children beyond Shippo. He had been prepared for her to break their relationship off, because she was a very caring person and he honestly couldn’t see her without at least one biological child.

But she had admitted that she had known it may be a future issue and she’d rather have him than a whole litter of children. That they could adopt, perhaps other hanyou even, if he proved infertile. That Shippo was, for now, enough. Shippo was theirs in every way that mattered, and she was happy with their family, their pack, as it was.

So, he had put it from his mind; even after they took custody of Imari. Still he had hoped that he could give her at least one pup eventually.

Still, the scent of pregnancy on her had taken him by surprise; at first, he had honestly thought it was coming from Sango as she and Miroku were newly married. But the scent hadn’t faded when Sango and Miroku had left for her home village to repair her weapons and armour. If it was coming from Sango, the scent, so new and weak at that point, would have faded within days if not hours.

He had run to his Uncle Spike who sent him to Doctor Liken. Doctor Liken had gotten a sample and tested it.

He wasn’t exactly the most potent man around, but he also wasn’t sterile like he had feared. Doctor Liken had recommended Doctor Rain at that point.

So, he had returned to his mate and informed her; they both tried not to get their hopes up.

But now, there Kagome was, the pup already starting to show on her slight frame. Their pup. Shippo and Imari’s little brother or sister.

He had, to some extent, feared that Kagome would be shunned for bearing a hanyou’s child; he still remembered how his Mother was treated and why he was Wished Away. He had extraction plans, plans to take her to Amity, where a hanyou might gain some odd looks but no comments or violence, or even the Realms.

But once again the villagers had shocked him. Once again, the villagers, especially the women, had taken one look at Kagome and welcomed her. She had lessons now, on how to make a home in this era, how to cook meals with only a fire and a pot, how to weave and sew and help look after crops and preserve the results for the winters, from the other women. Things any woman her age would already know in the Feudal Ages.

The village men had gathered up and at first he had feared a mob running their pack out, even as the women took charge of Kagome; but they had instead offered their skills and work in building a hut for his family. He had gratefully turned them down, explaining the magical tent they used.

Mollified, the men had dispersed.

Of course, the pack had adapted as well; they were the first to know of the suspicion he and Kagome had. Mainly for Sango’s knowledge but also because Shippo asked about the scent.

Kagome had sworn off using her spiritual powers, afraid of purifying the pup right from her body, but they were still surprised when Miroku had also sworn off his spiritual power. Indeed, the former monk had locked his religious items away as if they were dangerous weapons of their own, going so far as to put his sutras in an old jewelry box and locking that up as well.

Miroku was calm and serene as he did this, as if it was a perfectly reasonable thing to do without being asked.

The tent was, however, mostly safe for youkai-blooded people because of Imari. Imari was now a toddler in everything but age and thus a mischievous little adventurer running everyone ragged as she wandered the village freely. Shippo took his duty as a big brother seriously, often trailing after her while the adults were busy or, in the case of the humans, caught up to them.

Even Kirara was accepted in the village; parents contented to leave their children under her watch or willing to use her as a draft animal when she offered herself for such jobs. Though now she was keeping close to Kagome, unobtrusively in her little form.

After the pack, and once past the three-month mark, they had told their parents about the pup.

He had worried about the Higurashi family’s reaction. Her family had welcomed him, Shippo, and Imari, and had celebrated their Mating then Marriage. But another hanyou pup, conceived accidentally? They were a Shrine family, her grandfather still tried to put sutras on him!

Kagome’s mother had cried…tears of joy and congratulated them sincerely, already babbling about taking Kagome shopping; her grandfather had muttered and huffed but also congratulated them.

His family, on the other hand was much more effusive in their joy; a feast was called in their honor.

But still…so much could still go wrong.

Wished Away Series - Chapter 186 - CSmalley (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.