JSYK, Losing 5 Actual Pounds in a Week Isn’t a Thing—But Here’s What Is (2024)

Our goal is to publish weight loss content with integrity, science-backed reporting, and insight on what you can realistically accomplish while attempting to lose weight in a healthy way. We feel it’s important for you to know that the biological connection between health and excess weight isn’t straightforward—and your BMI or the number on the scale is not a solid measure of health. Read more about the ways diets and diet culture can impact your physical and mental health.

Before we go any further, let's establish the fact that it’s basically impossible to lose five pounds in a week. Trying to lose this much this quickly is dangerous, from a physical health perspective first and foremost.

“The whole thing is based on the idea of restriction, which is just so detrimental to health,” says Danielle Marks Williamson, RDN, founder of Diets by Dani. If you're not eating enough in an effort to lose weight fast, you're missing out on essential vitamins and nutrients that keep your body functioning the way it should, Williamson says. Not to mention, skipping or skimping on meals can throw your blood sugar out of whack and leave you feeling sluggish and unable to concentrate. Dieting can literally make it hard to think straight.

And on that note, it's the mental health strain of attempting quick weight loss that is arguably more problematic. "The quest to change your body size can be extremely disruptive in your ability to listen to your body, take care of yourself, and be kind to yourself," says Tayler Silfverduk, RDN. Plus, when you're so focused on changing the number on the scale, you may lose sight of what should be the objective: forming healthier habits, she adds. Basically, trying to lose five pounds in a week is a really good way to feel like a failure.

“Instead of setting a goal to lose a specific number of pounds in a week, try to change weekly habit.”

So then, what is realistic? Start by getting really honest with yourself about your habits and why you want to lose weight in the first place. Ask yourself some hard questions, Silfverduk suggests: "What do you hope weight loss will bring you? What are you afraid of if you don't lose weight? Is this habit something you'd be happy maintaining even if the number on the scale doesn't change?"

Once you examine those things, you can get to making small and practical tweaks to your lifestyle—ones that you can and will keep up—and if you happen to lose some weight in the process, that works. It's about changing your weekly habits, rather than setting a specific goal of dropping a certain number of pounds, Williamson says.

Also, remember that losing weight quickly is not a magic bullet for happiness, Williamson says. “Before setting weight loss goals, ask yourself, Are you still in a toxic relationship or a job you hate? Those things won’t simply go away once you lose weight.” That's another why Silfverduk works on the mental aspect of nutrition, like rewarding yourself for sticking to new healthy habits and focusing on repairing body image and self-esteem with her clients. In the long run, that'll better serve your health.

All that said, there are some lifestyle and nutritional changes you can make that also may help you lose weight in a healthy and effective way. Here’s what experts recommend.

1. Focus on eating quality foods, not counting calories.

Yup, don’t even bother doing the math. Instead, concentrate on incorporating more fruits, veggies, protein sources, and whole grains into your diet, says Wendy Leonard, RD, founder of Rhode Island Nutrition Therapy. Ya know, foods with lots of nutrients and vitamins.

If you focus on the quality of food, there’s a good chance you’ll eat more nutrient-dense options that leave you satiated, adds Lauren Sullivan, a registered dietitian with Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Human Nutrition. This can translate to naturally eating the amount of calories that's right for your body without having to overthink it.

Counting calories can take the enjoyment out of eating, says Brigitte Zeitlin, MPH, RD, a women’s health coach and founder of BZ Nutrition. It can also lead to an unhealthy obsession with staying under a certain calorie count or working out just to burn calories. Thinking of food as food and not a math equation can solve those issues.

Want some more specific suggestions? Loneke Blackman Carr, PhD, RD, assistant professor of community and public health nutrition at the University of Connecticut recommends checking out the U.S. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Dietary Guidelines for Americans to learn how to build a balanced, nutrient-rich plate.

2. Don’t skip meals.

Ignoring your hunger is never a good idea since your body functions best when you eat at regular intervals during the day, says Alicia Romano, RD, a clinical registered dietitian at the Frances Stern Nutrition Center at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts. Doing so helps to control your blood sugar so you can avoid the spike and crash that comes with eating a big meal on an empty stomach.

Zeitlin recommends eating every three to four hours throughout the day. Whether that’s a snack or meal, it’s just about putting some type of energy into your body.

Eating more often is what keeps your metabolism running efficiently. “Your metabolism is the engine for your entire body. If it’s gone too long without food, it starts to slow down to make sure it has enough gas left for essential things to run properly. Weight loss is not essential,” Zeitlin explains. When you eat regularly and don’t leave your metabolism wondering when it’s going to be refueled next, it’ll run consistently, like it should.

3. Eat fruits and veggies with every meal.

Yes, your mom was right (again). Fruits and vegetables are good for you, and we all probably need to eat more of them.

Vegetables—especially non-starchy vegetables like spinach, asparagus, and celery—provide a ton of nutrients and fiber, explains Leonard. Fiber slows the digestion process and optimizes fullness and nutrient intake at mealtime, so eating it at every meal can help you feel satiated longer after eating, Romano adds.

Eating a diet rich in fruits and veggies has also been proven to boost health in other ways, with studies finding protective benefits against heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes, Williamson says.

So how much are we talkin’? “Half your plate should be fruits and vegetables,” Williamson says. The rest should be a quarter protein and a quarter whole grains. Of course, this isn’t a hard-and-fast rule, but roughly dividing your plate into these proportions can help you make sure you’re eating enough nutrient-rich plants at every meal.

4. Consider keeping a food journal.

Trigger warning: For people with a history of disordered eating (or even people who don't have that history), jotting down everything you eat in a day can be anxiety-provoking. Tracking your food intake should ideally be done under the guidance of a dietitian, Silfverduk points out. If anxious or guilty feelings start to come up, skip food journaling, full stop.

That said, Zeitlin notes that for some people, keeping a written food journal of what you eat at each meal and snack can be beneficial in certain scenarios. You can look back and learn if you’re really eating as many veggies as you think you are or if you’re eating regularly or accidentally skipping meals on busy days.

You can also try a photo food journal app like Ate Food Journal, Leonard suggests. She notes that people tend to like this approach better because opening an app and snapping a quick pic is way less tedious than writing down every little detail about your meals throughout the day. And it’s just as effective.

5. Take inventory of your drinks.

It is a good idea to be aware of what you’re consuming and know that your drinks may be a bigger source of calories than you realize—and maybe even something you wouldn’t really miss all that much if you swapped for water or seltzer and lime. "For example, some people find drinking co*ke in the afternoons to be a way to decompress from the stressful morning and get caffeine to manage the rest of the day," Silfverduk says. If you're a big soda drinker, evaluate exactly why you turn to that co*ke and whether you can find another way to cope. If not, that's fine! Don't beat yourself up.

You can look at alcohol with a similar approach. "Ask yourself, 'What are you looking for from alcohol? Can you find that somewhere else?'" Silfverduk says.

Leonard recommends reducing how much booze you drink for a couple of weeks to see how you feel. The experience could make you think about changing up your drinking habits if you notice an improvement in your quality of life with less imbibing.

6. Prioritize protein and whole grains.

We already talked about fruits and veggies, but we want to sing the praises of protein and whole grains too.

Protein is an important macronutrient that our bodies need to function properly. It takes a minute for our bodies to digest it, which means it provides a steady source of energy.

When paired with carbohydrates, which digest quicker, everything moves a little slower—which keeps us fuller for longer. Also, if you’re exercising, protein is going to be even more important to help rebuild your muscles and keep you moving and getting stronger.

Whole grains are superstars because they’re a great source of fiber. Like protein, fiber slows the rate at which your body digests carbs so you feel full for longer and maintain steadier blood sugar levels, one reason why research consistently links fiber intake to weight loss. That means fibrous whole grain bread tends to be a better choice than white bread and also explains why fruits, which contain fiber and valuable vitamins in addition to sugar, beat straight-up candy every time.

7. Drink more water.

Staying hydrated can actually just keep your body running like a well-oiled machine. Drinking water can also help you get more in tune with your hunger cues. "Our bodies tend to feel hungry when we’re actually thirsty," Zeitlin explains. If you’re already a hydration queen, you’ll know a hunger pang means you’re actually hungry and need to eat. Don't get it twisted though, drinking water when you ARE hungry instead of eating is not going to get you any closer to your goals (see tip #2).

Zeitlin recommends drinking regular water and adding lemon or frozen berries if you crave something with more flavor.

8. Keep eating the foods you love.

You absolutely should not deprive yourself of the foods you love to lose weight. In fact, continuing to eat your faves can help you reach your goals.

“The more you deprive yourself of the foods you love, the more you will obsess over them and the more likely you are to overeat and binge on them,” Zeitlin says. If you keep eating your favorites, you can satisfy your cravings without overeating. If you’re focusing on eating nutrient-rich, good-for-you foods the majority of the time, it's not going to stop you from losing weight. Also, enjoying what you put in your body is part of a healthy relationship with food.

9. Ignore the scale.

The truth is, it’s really not the best way to measure progress. “If you get on a scale every single day for a whole week, it’s going to show you a different number every day,” Zeitlin says. There are a lot of things that can influence how much you weigh—like how much water your body is holding onto. Eating a lot of sodium, not sleeping enough, and exercising can all impact water retention and change the number on the scale. It’s just not a good indicator of your actual body weight.

10. Find ways to manage your stress.

Stress eating is a very normal reaction to *waves hands* All This. So don’t beat yourself up over it. Instead, try finding other strategies to manage stress.

Maybe for you that’s working out, writing in a journal, meditating, getting 20 minutes of fresh air every day, or even getting a manicure, or taking a bubble bath. Find things that help you de-stress and make them part of your routine, Zeitlin says.

Leonard recommends actually writing a list (notes app counts!) of things you can do in the moment when you’re stressed. It might include some of the above or taking some deep breaths or calling a friend. The next time you feel a stress-fueled craving coming on, you can refer back to it and try one of those alternatives first, she says.

11. Make sure you’re getting good quality sleep.

Getting enough sleep is essential for regulating our hormones, and when we’re not getting enough it can disrupt the balance of the “hunger hormones” ghrelin and leptin, Williamson explains. “Both play critical roles in our daily food intake. If those levels are off, it can lead to more body fat storage over time.”

Lack of sleep can also lead to more sugar cravings. “The body knows sugar is an influx of quick energy, and when it doesn’t get enough sleep, it’s looking for the quickest boost of energy it can get,” Zeitlin says.

Also, if you don’t get enough sleep, it’s going to be way harder to find the energy to work out and prepare healthy meals, says Blackman Carr.

Most people need eight to nine hours of sleep a night to feel rested and ready to take on the day, says Leonard, but do whatever feels right for you. Yup, this tip means no more scrolling through TikTok till 3 a.m., sorry!

12. Move more.

Exercise is not punishment, nor should it be something you calculate to burn off the food you just enjoyed. In fact, the most important thing when it comes to exercising for healthy weight maintenance is to find exercise you actually enjoy, Williamson says. So stop forcing yourself to run or do burpees if you hate that.

Exercise can be any type of movement—walking or dancing absolutely counts. Basically, just get moving however you can. Leonard recommends doing some type of moderate physical activity for 30 to 45 minutes a few times a week. And don’t be afraid to start with less and work your way up—simply moving more is a great goal to get started if exercise isn’t already a part of your routine.

Speaking of getting more movement in, Blackman Carr recommends taking quick breaks from work or school throughout the day (as you’re able) to stand up or even take a few steps around the room. As a little bit of incentive, you could turn them into social media breaks and use that standing time to check your phone, she suggests. Even better if you can head outside for some sunshine and fresh air for a few minutes while you’re at it.

When you engage in physical activity you enjoy, you’ll want to do more of it. And the more energy you expend, your body will respond with the appropriate hunger cues to keep your metabolism running, Silfverduk explains. "This is your body's way of trying to maintain its set weight and to prevent you from 'starving,'" she adds. It's also a given that exercise is exactly what your body needs for your heart health, mental health, and overall well-being.

JSYK, Losing 5 Actual Pounds in a Week Isn’t a Thing—But Here’s What Is (1)

Amy Marturana Winderl

Amy is a freelance writer and editor who covers health, fitness, outdoors, and travel. She is an ACE-certified personal trainer and a PRONatal pre/postnatal performance training specialist. Her work has been published in Cosmo, Women's Health, Men's Health, Runner's World, Self, Livestrong, and more. Outside of work, you can find her hiking, cooking a new recipe she found on Pinterest, working on DIY home renovations, or tending to her beloved houseplants.

JSYK, Losing 5 Actual Pounds in a Week Isn’t a Thing—But Here’s What Is (2)

Jessica Toscano

Jessica Toscano (@MsJtoscano) covers health and fitness, sex and relationships, and more for Men's Health, Cosmopolitan, IntrigueMag and other outlets.

JSYK, Losing 5 Actual Pounds in a Week Isn’t a Thing—But Here’s What Is (2024)


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