I went to Alton Towers and didn't see my husband all day (2024)

I treat a day out at a theme park like a military operation because you know what they say about organised fun.

And that is exactly how you should approach Alton Towers in order to maximise your trip. With a teenager and a preschooler, my husband and I decided to divide in order to conquer. As a result I barely saw him the entire day.

I was on CBeebies Land duty which was perfect as this May marks the 10-year anniversary of the toddler-friendly zone of the resort. Dedicated to the smallest thrillseekers among us, it is packed with rides, a sensory garden and a huge cast of characters.

READ MORE: Inside the Bluey themed hotel at Alton Towers

READ MORE: New Liverpool to Alton Towers Resort bus service to start

And earlier this year, to celebrate a decade in the park, CBeebies brought Bluey into the fold. Together with Bingo and her mum and dad, the gang managed to bring a huge smile to the face of my four-year-old, who is known for being quite grumpy, so that is no small feat.

And this May half term, running till June 2, they also have the CBeebies House Party Live with Alton Towers' CBeebies friends. We watched Justin Fletcher (Mr Tumble) and Mr Maker on the lawns overlooked by the stunning Manor House across the lake and the rain held off while the little ones enjoyed the festival-like atmosphere.

There are food stalls, an activity area, a giant birthday cake and, importantly, live shows every 30 minutes especially crafted for your little ones to see some of their favourite TV personalities live on stage.

I went to Alton Towers and didn't see my husband all day (1)

Nemesis has also had a bit of a revamp since the last time I went to Alton Towers which my husband and son said was their favourite, especially the new addition - I won't spoil things, you will have to find out for yourselves, but they were both creeped out, in a good way, I think.

Here are my ultimate tips for making the absolute most of your day: -

  • Dress comfortably. This includes packing both sun cream and a raincoat because you know what the UK weather is like.
  • Fast Track is worth it. Yes, it does cost extra, but even if you get one of the cheaper passes, such as six rides for £55 (they can only be used once per ride on this ticket), you can really tick off a lot of rides quickly. This was great for my husband and our teenage son who basically had a completely different day to me and the youngest Logan.
  • Time your rides in CBeebies Land for when the shows are on. Especially Bluey. They can draw a big crowd meaning the rides have shorter queues. There is no Fast Track for the rides in CBeebies Land and, let's face it, toddlers are not renowned for their patience so you want the smallest queue possible this may be the best time.
  • This is why you should download the app. I know, I am not a huge fan of downloading an app for everything, but I found this super helpful. The Octonauts ride was closed when we originally passed it but, instead of walking all the way back to check it was open again, I just looked at the app. It is easy to use and you can see the wait time for all the rides, where the nearest toilets are, really helping you plan your day.

I went to Alton Towers and didn't see my husband all day (2)

  • Take a packed lunch. There are plenty of places to eat across the park and we always tend to budget in a treat at least, such as the ice cream van by the entrance. £3.50 for an ice cream as big as your head is a great way to round off the day. We tried out the Chew Chew Smokehouse at the CBeebies House Party Live area and it was great. We were served a well-seasoned burger in a brioche bun with sweet and tangy barbeque sauce and crispy onions. I was impressed.
  • Split up to cover more ground. Inevitably some of your children may be taller than the other children in your party and this can cause issues. Check heights for rides before you go. You can do this on the app or on the website. That way you can explain to the children before you go who can go on what to avoid disappointment and then when you are there you can separate and meet up together to go on a family ride later.

I went to Alton Towers and didn't see my husband all day (3)

Alton Towers is a great way to please kids, and adults, of all ages and long may it continue so I can take my future grandkids along to CBeebies land too in the decades to come.

CBeebies House Party Live is an Alton Towers exclusive for this May half term, Saturday, May 25 to Sunday, June 2 to mark 10 years of CBeebies Land. Day tickets start at £29 online and you can book a short break at one of their hotels or the Star Gazing Pods.

For full details and how to book tickets, visit the Alton Towers website here.

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I went to Alton Towers and didn't see my husband all day (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.