Archive of Our Own / Platform - TV Tropes (2024)

Archive of Our OwnArchive of Our Own / Platform - TV Tropes (2) (most commonly abbreviated as AO3) has been running since late 2008, gaining widespread popularity from 2011 onward. It almost exclusively hosts fanfiction.

The inception of the Archive started after the decline of LiveJournal as a fanfic hosting platform, especially the notorious Strikethrough '07 incident, where LiveJournal responded to threats from a group of trolls purporting to be To Catch a Predator-esque online vigilantes by deleting a large number of allegedly "objectionable", but in most cases entirely innocent, journals and communities without warning, which resulted in many fans losing the contents of their journals. AO3 as a project of the Organization for Transformative Works was a response to this, and the goal of the 'archive of our own' is to ensure a safe archive that would not purge fanworks due to pressure either from Moral Guardians or aggressive copyright enforcers.

To give an indication of how young it is compared to the existing behemoth FanFiction.Net (which started in 1998), AO3 reached one million stories in total on February 15, 2014. The Harry Potter fandom on FFN had roughly 674,000 on its own as of the same day.

The rise in popularity has been helped along by the rise of Tumblr as both sites share a similar fandom mentality and outlook, as well as by AO3 being the official hosting site or encouraged posting site for a few popular fanfic fests and events such as YuletideArchive of Our Own / Platform - TV Tropes (3). It also gained popularity when had a crackdown on Mature Content Fics in June 2013 (the last time that website did such a crackdown was back in 2002). AO3 is very popular because it allows users to view fics as one single document instead of the separated chapters and even download stories as HTML, EPUB, MOBI, and PDF files, making it great for people who want stories on the go.

It also has a much less restrictive Review system than — like LiveJournal or Reddit, it uses comments which may be edited and stacked on at your leisure, rather than having a single use for each chapter that can never be edited, replied to only privately. Other than that, there are also some comment moderation settings: authors may accept all comments by default, only allow them to be shown publicly after approval, or simply turn them off altogether.

Also notable is the "Kudos" system, which allows someone to say that they like the work without going to the trouble of a comment, but still better than another tick on the view count.

The impressive usability and lack of censorship on AO3 has led to a massive and devoted coterie of users. So devoted that, in 2019, the entire website was first nominated and then awarded the Hugo award for Best Related Work.Archive of Our Own / Platform - TV Tropes (4) The Hugo Award is considered by many to be the premier honor in science-fiction, so just being nominated was an impressive feat for a website built and staffed mostly by volunteers. The award was accepted by noted author Naomi Novik, a co-founder and past board member of the OTW, and herself a multiple Hugo nominee.

"Tropes of Our Own":

  • Adjustable Censorship: If you don't want to see certain content, archive warnings, ratings, or pairings as a reader, you can set the search to filter whatever you don't want to see from the results. It's one of the most comprehensive filtering systems of any fan-fiction archive, making it easy to find whatever you're looking for even outside of triggering or sexual content, such as a specific pairing, characterization, or AU scenario.
  • Alan Smithee: If authors want to disassociate themselves from a work but don't want to take it down, they can choose to orphan the work. All orphaned works are moved to "orphan_account". Users who still want to retain some degree of control and be able to reply to new comments are advised to either add the works to the 'anonymous' collectionnote, or transfer ownership to a throwaway account using the "co-author" property.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: There are multiple statements in AO3's Terms of Service reiterating that the website isn't responsible for any content that harms, disturbs, or triggers the user, often rattling off a list of intense adjectives describing said content that always ends with "grammatically incorrect" or "badly spelled".

    Unless it violates some other policy, we will not remove Content for offensiveness, no matter how awful, repugnant, or badly spelled we may personally find that Content to be.

  • Bowdlerise: Averted. Unlike FanFiction.Net, the Archive has minimal content restrictions, allowing explicit sexual content.
  • Content Warnings: The Archive has four primary content warning flags: "Graphic depictions of violence", "Rape/non-con", "Major character death", and "Underage". Authors can also choose to select "None of these warnings apply", indicating the story has no major content warnings, or "Choose not to use Archive warnings", indicating that they have chosen not to forewarn readers as to the content. Additional content warnings may also be provided in the tags.
  • Fake Relationship: Has its own tagArchive of Our Own / Platform - TV Tropes (5), with over 40,000 fics written as of November 2022.
  • Fan Translation: The archive allows you to publish translations of fanfiction and has a few settings available that makes it easier to give the original authors credit.
  • Fan Webcomics: The archive allows you to share fan art and comics on it, although the images themselves cannot be hosted on the site and need to be embedded via external links.
  • "Freaky Friday" Flip: Has its own tagArchive of Our Own / Platform - TV Tropes (6), with over 9,000 fics under it as of October 2023.
  • Full-Name Basis: The canonical character tags use that character's full name, nicknames and codenames included. For example, an Overwatch story might be tagged with "Angela 'Mercy' Ziegler" or "Jack 'Soldier:76' Morrison", or a Gravity Falls story might include "Jesús 'Soos' Alzamirano Ramirez". However, authors are allowed to tag their works however they like, and more minimalist tags like just "Mercy" and "Soos" can be redirected to the full canonical tag if they aren't ambiguous. In the case of stories where a character has multiple identities, they will be separated with a vertical line — for example, a Worm fanfic would have tags like "Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver", "Lisa Wilbourn | Tattletale", or "Victoria Dallon | Glory Girl | Antares".
  • MST: Unlike, this is allowed on the site and even has a legitimate tag dedicated to it.
  • Omegaverse: "Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics" is a tag. At over 165,000 works and counting (of which just over 3,000 are Original Works, the rest being fanfiction), AO3 has one of the largest collections (if not the largest collection) of Omegaverse stories on the entire internet.
  • p*rn with Plot and p*rn Without Plot: Both tags on the site.
  • Real-Person Fic: Unlike FanFiction.Net, fics involving real people are allowed on the Archive.
  • Script Fic: Unlike FanFiction.Net, fics that use script instead of prose format are allowed on the Archive.
  • Soulmate AU Fic: 32,000+ of them, sorted into subcategories based on whatever Red String of Fate is prevalent.
  • Start My Own: Essentially the reason for the site's existence, with a dash of deliberately learning from history. The site is entirely funded by donations (no ads means no dealing with advertiser content policies), retains legal counsel (just having a lawyer on speed dial is often enough to fend off spurious legal threats to legitimately transformative works), and has a broad, clearly defined leadership structure with conflict resolution procedures (to prevent a site leadership implosion from taking the whole thing down from the top). All of these are lessons learned the hard way from other fandom sites.
Archive of Our Own / Platform - TV Tropes (2024)


What is the controversy with the Archive of Our Own? ›

AO3 hosts controversial content including works depicting rape, incest and pedophilia.

When was created? ›

FanFiction.Net (often abbreviated as or FFN) is an automated fan fiction archive site. It was first launched in 1998 by software designer Xing Li, and currently has over 12 million registered users.

What is the Archive of Our Own? ›

The Archive of Our Own (AO3) is a noncommercial host for fanfiction/fanworks using open-source software. As of 2023 it hosts over 11 million works & nearly 6 million registered users from around the world.

How long has AO3 been around? ›

Wikipedia stated that AO3 created on October 2008 and established it as an open beta on 14 November 2009.

Why is AO3 shutting down? ›

Due to recent confusion, the OTW would like to clarify that AO3 is NOT in any immediate danger. We do need your help to keep the OTW and its projects going, but we're currently in a strong position because of the generosity of our members and other donors.

Why is AO3 banned in China? ›

Additionally, Xiao's fans have been demonstrating a tendency of 'heresy-style star worship' and toxic fandom: they would report to authorities if a work concerning their idol was deemed to besmirch their idol's image. Due to these reasons, Xiazhui, along with AO3 that hosts it, have been censored in China.

Why isn t fanfiction illegal? ›

Your work of fanfiction is more likely to be considered fair use if it is "transformative" in regards to the original work. A work is considered transformative when it adds something new, has a further purpose or different character(s), or alters the first with new expression, meaning, or message.

What is the longest fanfiction ever written? ›

There are works that are fewer than 500 words and longer than 500,000 words. The longest works of fiction in the world are both fanfictions too. The longest is “The Loud House: Revamped” and is 16,000,000 words. The second longest piece of fiction is a Super Smash Bros fanfiction that is 4,100,000 words.

What is not allowed on AO3? ›

AO3 requires that creators either warn for—or explicitly choose not to warn for—a short list of common warnings: Major Character Death, Underage, Rape/Non-Con, and Graphic Depictions of Violence. We've also provided options to warn for additional content or to not warn for content at all.

Why is AO3 so good? ›

Because AO3 cares about its writers, whereas platforms like ffn and wattpad are for-profit companies that only care about their profit margins and getting the biggest and most inoffensive slice of the internet traffic pie.

Which is better, AO3 or Wattpad? ›

Overall I'd say that they're pretty equally matched, but if you! re looking to socialize and just read anything, Wattpad is better, but if you're looking for something extremely specific, AO3 is better.

What is the biggest fanfic on AO3? ›

The longest ao3 fic is a 6.87 million word terminator fic. It's not finished and is still regulary updating. There are currently 1524 chapters, so each one would average 4500 words. The fic started on June 9th 2019 and last updated 10th april 2023.

Which country uses AO3 the most? › Website Traffic by Country

Archiveofourown. org's core audience is located in United States followed by United Kingdom, and Canada.

What does the 3 in AO3 mean? ›

It combines the characters A, O, and 3 with arms raised in celebration, symbolizing the joy of fannish creation on the Archive. The acronym "AO3" comes from the initials of the English site title Archive of Our Own–an A and three O's.

Is something wrong with Archive of Our Own? ›

No, we are not detecting any problems with Archive of Our Own right now. The last outage detected for Archive of Our Own was on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 with a duration of about 45 minutes.

What is the controversy with archive org? ›

Internet Archive doesn't pay authors for books – it simply takes the books, copies them and distributes them without any permission, and without compensating the authors or publishers who created the books in the first place. To be clear: this lawsuit is about stopping systematic theft.

Is the Archive of Our Own safe to use? ›

While this cannot be guaranteed, children who use AO3 may become used to accessing explicit and violent images and videos without consequence, which can have severe consequences when attempting to access similar material on their own or when encountering similar situations in life.

Why is AO3 banned in Germany? ›

Ao3 was allegedly indexed by Bundesprüfstelle (an organization "responsible for examining and censoring media works suspected to be harmful to young people") for distribution of "child p*rn." German law also makes a difference between child p*rnography (under 14) and youth p*rnography (over 14 but under 18).


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