An Expert Guide to Bezel Setting: Pros, Cons, Analysis, Types, and Buying Guide (2024)

Do you have a busy lifestyle? Do you feel your engagement ring is “too much” for daily life? Well, now you can find a classic and timeless alternative ring to fulfill your desire for a hassle-free lifestyle. A bezel setting ring will never disappoint, be it jogging, taking care of household needs, or being the boss at your workplace.

An Expert Guide to Bezel Setting: Pros, Cons, Analysis, Types, and Buying Guide (1)

A bezel setting is a perfect ring for anyone whose lifestyle doesn’t agree with a fancy, massive engagement ring, which can be very distracting and uncomfortable while doing specific tasks. When choosing an engagement ring, it is recommended that you consider the lifestyle and choices of the person.

Fortunately, you are not limited to classic jewelry styles such as the typical solitaire diamond engagement ring. It’s time to try something new: a bezel-setting engagement ring.

What Is a Bezel Setting?

A bezel setting is a metal arc that secures a ring’s main stone and is commonly used for engagement rings. The metal surrounds the stone, overlapping its edges. As a result, it offers some protection. A diamond can be completely or partially encircled by a bezel setting.

An Expert Guide to Bezel Setting: Pros, Cons, Analysis, Types, and Buying Guide (2)

One might not have heard about the bezel ring setting. Why did you ask? Well, bezel setting rings are not so popular during these times. But decades ago, this ring was among the popular choices for women wanting to try something different.

Bezel Settings will grow in popularity due to busy lifestyles and the choices influencing them. An engagement ring should not be seen as a burden but as a symbol of love.

A bezel setting provides clean edges, which makes it different from other settings as it allows for a practical aesthetic. It is perfect for anyone who, as mentioned, wants an affordable engagement ring but doesn’t want it to interfere with their daily activities or for someone who appreciates minimalistic design.

Despite their popularity, bezel rings are not popular enough to warrant their own category on most jewelry websites. If you are seeking such a ring, you should use the search bar instead since it will be more helpful.

Like most diamond rings or virtually everything else, bezel rings have advantages and disadvantages. Let’s go over them in greater depth below to see if you’ll be able to make the bezel your default option.

Pros and Cons of Bezel Setting

An Expert Guide to Bezel Setting: Pros, Cons, Analysis, Types, and Buying Guide (3)

Pros of Bezel Setting

  • Unlike the prong setting, the bezel setting does not catch on clothes or any fabric, for that matter.
  • A bezel engagement ring has fewer corners, making it easier for you to clean and preserve it as if you bought it just yesterday.
  • It is not possible to knock a diamond loose in a bezel setting, for the center diamond is entirely surrounded by metal.
  • A bezel-set diamond will not fall out because the metal completely surrounds the diamond circumference around it.
  • A bezel setting is the best kind of ring if you have an active lifestyle. You won’t constantly have to worry about the diamond getting loose and falling out. It would serve the purpose without the agony.

Detailed Analysis of The Pros

Latching diamonds is one of the biggest complaints among people wearing conventional diamond rings. This may not be a big issue on its own, but it can cause many problems when it happens regularly. One of the many issues is ruining your dress.

Well, you don’t want to waste your dress, do you? But this is a widespread occurrence when it comes to rings with prongs. Due to the constant latching, the prongs tend to loosen up, leading to uncertain circ*mstances.

But when it comes to rings with bezel settings, they protect your clothes, and because they lack prongs, one doesn’t have to worry about losing their precious diamonds.

Also Read:Choosing Between High And Low-Setting Engagement Rings: Here Is Everything Which You Need To Know

Cons of Bezel Setting

  • You will find yourself very limited on options if you go and look for bezel set engagement bands, especially if they do not have customizable options. This problem might not occur if you search for it online.
  • Diamonds in bezel settings receive a significantly lesser amount of light when compared with diamonds in prong settings. This means you will have to compromise on the glare or shine of your overall diamond for protection of your diamond.

Detailed Analysis of The Cons

Among the many significant drawbacks of a bezel setting is that it has minimal options to choose from. The bezel setting can be challenging to design as it only has three different types.

Personalizing a bezel ring can be a little challenging due to the minimal options to choose from. Due to the rise in technology, finding your perfect bezelset engagement ring shouldn’t require much effort.

Bezel set diamondrings require specific diamonds, and getting such diamonds can be complex due to factors backing up the popularity of the setting. The availability of diamonds required for bezel settings falls short compared to other diamond rings. You’ll have to look harder to find a diamond that fits inside the metal covering of your ring.

Types of Bezel Settings?

Even though bezel-setting rings have a simple design language, there are some variations that you might run into.

An Expert Guide to Bezel Setting: Pros, Cons, Analysis, Types, and Buying Guide (4)

Full Bezel Setting

The majority of bezel rings you will come across are full-setting bezel rings. The metal runs around the diamond’s whole circumference in this form of the bezel setting, providing the best protection among the various types of bezel setting rings.

Half Bezel-Setting

This style of bezel ring is uncommon, yet it has a stunning appearance. The diamond is encased just halfway through with this sort of bezel setting. The metal ring covers half of the diamond or gemstone, and half of the diamond is revealed.

This gives the environment a glamorous appearance. Half bezel settings are frequently designed to be one-of-a-kind. You will undoubtedly fall in love with their design language if you seek them out.

Hybrid Setting Bezel Rings

Design flexibility is familiar with this style of bezel setting ring. Even though it belongs to the same bezel set diamond ring category, it does not entirely follow the path. This, along with the central stone, is frequently seen in this bezel-setting engagement ring.

The other little diamonds on the ring do not necessarily follow the same design language as the center stone. These tiny diamonds are frequently set in the same manner as prong settings.

It is common in the hybrid setting to see that the ring also brings certain other styles with it that are not necessarily created to make it safer. These design changes are usually done to make the ring look more modern and appealing, not for everyday use purposes.

Bezel Set Engagement Ring With Wedding Band

An Expert Guide to Bezel Setting: Pros, Cons, Analysis, Types, and Buying Guide (5)

When paired with a wedding band, the bezel set engagement ring seamlessly integrates, creating a cohesive and visually pleasing bridal set. The wedding band can be designed to complement the engagement ring.

When selecting a bezel set engagement ring with a wedding band, consider factors such as the choice of metals, the design coherence between the two rings, and personal preferences in terms of style and symbolism.

Emerald Cut Bezel Set Ring

The bezel setting adds an extra layer of refinement to the emerald cut ring. This unique and stylish ring design offers a distinctive look, making it a popular choice for those who appreciate a balance of tradition and contemporary flair.

The combination of the emerald cut and the bezel setting creates a harmonious balance between classic and contemporary design elements. The resulting ring is not only a symbol of timeless sophistication but also a practical and durable choice for everyday wear.

Advantages of A Bezel Setting

As you can observe the pattern throughout the article, the bezel setting has many advantages. But the benefits don’t end there. A bezel setting diamond ring has many other things to offer besides what we have told you till now.

An Expert Guide to Bezel Setting: Pros, Cons, Analysis, Types, and Buying Guide (6)

One of the most significant advantages of the bezel setting over any other prong-set diamond ring is that it provides security. A prong-setting diamond is highly likely to end up on someone’s floor if you are not careful enough. The reason behind that is a prong setting almost always gets stuck into clothes.

On top of that, you might as well say goodbye to your favorite sweater since your diamond ring will most likely get into it, ruining its fabric. It happens because of the sharp ends of the prong setting.

Every time your ring latches onto something and you try to pull it, the prong gets loose a little, and with enough time, the prong will be flexible enough so that the diamond can fall. Do it enough, and you will lose your diamond without even noticing that you have lost it.

The cure is the bezel setting’s secure metal covering around the diamond. This ensures the most significant fear a diamond ring-wearer could have, losing the diamond from the diamond ring, gets eliminated.

The metal covering around the diamond is entirely custom-made to fit it perfectly. A bezel setting has proven itself to be one of the most secure diamond engagement rings or wedding diamond rings in general.

A bezel setting offers you a stylish and modern look. And since it is not very common, it equips you with a unique and not-so-common look. Noticing the tendency that has been going on for a while, that every other pair wants to do something unique to make their marriage or engagement different and unique, this might be a good option for you to consider.

Besides being unique and uncommon, a bezel-settingengagementring is also a stylish and modern look, as we said. So, this could be an excellent option if your soon-to-be fiance likes to wear something that has a modern look to it.

An Expert Guide to Bezel Setting: Pros, Cons, Analysis, Types, and Buying Guide (7)

The bezel setting is probably the best option for people with an active lifestyle. Suppose you are a person with an active lifestyle, such as a doctor or gymnast, or perhaps you are in the construction business or a cyclist. A bezel setting will probably be the most prominent option for you. The reason behind that is simple.

It is secure and best suited for your active lifestyle. In your day-to-day active lifestyle, it is probable that you may loosen your prong. But the bezel setting’s secure fit will make sure that it doesn’t happen. It will be safe, and you will be less likely to damage your ring anyway.

Bezel rings are far easier to clean when you compare them with prong settings. Because of the prongs, a traditional diamond ring would need a regular maintenance check to ensure your diamond is safe and clean. Since the design language of the bezel setting is simple, the diamond almost never needs maintenance, and cleaning is far simpler.

It also protects the diamond from chipping on the corners from a hit or two. In a prong setting, the diamonds are completely exposed and cannot be protected by you being careful enough not to hit them.

And yes, despite diamonds being the most robust material on earth, it is still possible for them to get chipped. On top of that, a bezel setting will help you save money since you can buy a diamond that has inclusions or blemishes on its edges or corners, depending on the diamond.

Also Read:3 Carat Lab Grown Diamonds Engagement Rings

Why Should You Buy the Bezel Setting Ring?

An Expert Guide to Bezel Setting: Pros, Cons, Analysis, Types, and Buying Guide (8)

Many folks may be unfamiliar with Bezel Settings. However, if you’ve read this far, you’ve probably figured out what a bezel set engagement ring is. Why should you choose a bezel-set ring? To make it brief and straightforward, consider the following questions.

  • Is your lifestyle very active?
  • Are you scared of losing your diamond ring?
  • Do you want to stand out?

If ‘yes’ answers all the above questions, you should probably look for a bezel-setting engagement ring as your option.

Worry-Free Lifestyle

Being active is a huge responsibility, but having a ring that hooks onto your garment every other minute might be exhausting. We’ve seen several active women remove their rings because they were tired of the ring catching on textiles.

Worryingly, the ring’s latching makes the prong lose, putting the diamond it protects at risk. We agree that traditional rings have luster, whereas bezel set engagement rings do not. The shine provided by the bezel setting ring is limited compared to other settings.

Choose from hundreds of styles on Or show us a ring style you like from elsewhere and we can create something very similar. Elevate your bezel set diamond ring shopping experience with a generous discount using a promo code handed out by LGD Diamonds.


Bezel-setting engagement rings are becoming popular, and we mean it. Bezel settings are the most contentious sort of diamond ring style. If there’s one thing we’re sure about, it’s that they’re officially in fashion. They are both classic and modern.

This beautifully designed arrangement rapidly becomes a favorite of anyone who leads an active lifestyle.


Do Bezel Set Diamonds Sparkle?
An extraordinary or exceptional cut diamond set in a well-designed frame will dazzle even the most jaded brains. When a badly cut gemstone is put in a thick ring of metal that dominates the upper layer of the rock, it might appear drab or boring.

How Are Bezel Settings Made?
Bezel settings are created by softly hammering the metal rim around the diamond and completely covering it by smoothing the metal over the ring.

What Is a Half Bezel Setting?
A half bezel setting is a bezel setting that does not entirely encircle a diamond; it usually hold a diamond in place by enclosing it only on its edges. These half-bezel designs are sometimes called partial-bezels, semi-bezels, or open bezels.

Does Bezel Set Diamonds Look Bigger?
While the metal ring of a bezel setting protects the diamond, it also conceals a more significant portion of its surface area than other types of environments. This makes the rock appear smaller and less noticeable, and powerful.

Is the Bezel Setting More Expensive?
The bezel setting is, indeed, more precious. A bezel setting may cost more than a prong arrangement due to the increased skill set and material required.

Does a Bezel Setting Make a Diamond Look Larger?
While this setting makes the diamond appear smaller, the circle of the rim protecting the diamond appears larger.

An Expert Guide to Bezel Setting: Pros, Cons, Analysis, Types, and Buying Guide (2024)


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